New Year (Mid-School Year) Reflections and Plans

Today is the last weekday of winter break for me. I’ve spent some time over the break thinking about how things have gone so far this semester, and thinking about what tweaks and changes I want to make for next semester. We only have three weeks left of the current semester before finals, and my students will be mostly or even totally new to me after that. I am thankful for the chance this gives me to reflect and revise in the middle of the year.

Here are some of the things that I feel most proud of from the first semester, things that I plan to stick with going forward:

  • Building a culture of reading in my classes with independent, choice reading three times each week. I’m thinking of going to 4 days per week next semester.
  • Giving my students more practice with writing using sources with the implementation of 3 C3WP mini-units for argument writing.
  • The strong, healthy class cultures I have built with my two 10th grade classes. The students in those two classes are overwhelmingly kind to each other, helpful, happy to participate, and eager to learn. Teaching them each day has honestly renewed my passion for this career.
  • Returning to and expanding my Twitter PLN, and returning to blogging. I have learned so much from the group of educators I follow, and from using my blog to reflect on my own teaching!

And here are some things I want to tweak or improve:

  • Helping students limit their own cell phone use. I honestly think that it’s important that our students learn to manage their own devices and use them responsibly, rather than being told from the top down that they can’t have them ever. Even in many workplaces now, employees have their phones with them and check them if they have down time or a break, and in some careers, they are actually an essential part of the job. They can also be a good tool for learning when used appropriately. But I’m still working on how to help students learn to manage their attention responsibly, rather than just expecting them to comply reluctantly with a classroom rule. I know that overuse of cell phones is putting a damper on some students’ learning, though, and I’m still thinking about how to help them.
  • Focusing on learning and feedback rather than points. I’m currently reading Hacking Assessment by Starr Sackstein, and I’m planning to start implementing a more gradeless classroom with the beginning of the new semester in a few weeks. I’m thinking about doing student self-assessment through conferences or reflective journaling at progress reports and the end of each card-marking in place of traditional grades. Other assignments will go into the gradebook as complete or incomplete with feedback in the meantime, because I have to have something entered.
  • Building strong, healthy classroom cultures from day 1 in all of my classes. I was definitely more successful with my 10th graders than with my 11th graders in the first semester, but I know that I can do better with all of my students going forward. I think part of it was that my 10th grade curriculum was more organized, and that allowed me to focus more on building relationships. My 11th grade class in the second semester is the exact same class that I have been teaching this semester, so I know more of what I’m doing and where I’m going with it. I think that will make a big difference. I’m also more confident now that I know the school culture and administration better.
  • Expanding my Twitter PLN further. I want to start participating in a couple of Twitter chats this month to help myself continue to grow and learn  constantly.

I feel like I have had a really good first semester at my new school overall, and I’m looking forward to an even better second semester!

What are you proud of so far this school year, and what do you plan to work on for the second half of the year?

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