A Kernel Essay about the College, Community, and Career Ready Writer’s Program (C3WP)

Yesterday, at the C3WP Mid Year Meeting, we were asked to reflect on how our understandings have changed since we became involved with this program. Mine turned into a reflection on the structure and impact of effective professional development. Here is what I wrote and shared with my colleagues there:

At first, I thought that argument writing and the C3WP focus on it was a bit like teaching to the test, or at least to the Common Core. I was always concerned about the emphasis on argument writing and the lack of narrative writing, and even knowing the NWP as well as I do, I was worried this would be like other Common Core focused programs and strategies. I thought it would bore my students, or that it wouldn’t be developmentally appropriate, or that it would flop like many of my other writing units. But I joined the advanced institute anyway, partly because so many of my other writing units had flopped. I knew I needed to do something different, and I was searching for what that might be.

Then I learned that the argument topics in C3WP are high-interest, and students care about them. I was shocked when my students passionately discussed the problems with space junk, and the best solutions to those problems. I was surprised when students who hadn’t turned in any writing assignments all year wrote two pages about violence in video games. I loved all of the opportunities for discussion, and for journaling about topics and texts along the way. I loved the language C3WP gave me: I could finally label what I felt students needed to add to their writing, and so I finally felt able to teach it effectively.

Now I understand that this is what effective professional development can do. It can take a teacher who is a little bit doubtful, who feels totally inept at teaching a certain topic and isn’t sure how she’ll ever master it, into someone who feels capable and confident and who firmly believes in what she’s doing, so much so that she publishes a journal article about it. Truly effective PD can be transformational for teachers, and that is powerful for students as well.

Check out the National Writing Project’s C3WP cite for more information: https://sites.google.com/nwp.org/c3wp/home/what-is-c3wp?authuser=0

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